


操作問い合わせ #2535



匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に追加. 約4年前に更新.





・ジョブサーバ V3.0.0(以下設定値のみ抜粋)
DBHost=localhost #DBはlocalhostで構成されている事は確認済み。後述します。
JaZabbixVersion=3 #Zabbix Ver3.0.2

・ジョブエージェント Ver3.0.0
AllowRoot=1 #rebootをタスクとして発生させることを想定している為



jobarg_server [30833]: Is this process already running? Could not lock PID file [/var/run/jobarranger/jobarg_server.pid]: [11] Resource temporarily unavailable
1740:20170418:152119.085 [WARN] slow query: 433.814877 sec, "delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170417151459"
1725:20170418:182716.970 [INFO] [JAJOBNET000001] In jajobnet_kill() jobnet was forced to stop. inner_jobnet_id: 1500000000000000006, jobnet_id: JOBNET_2, user_name: Admin

4554:20170418:193225.042 [WARN] Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:8128,sender_uid:0,reason:0]. Exiting ...
4553:20170418:193225.043 [WARN] Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:8128,sender_uid:0,reason:0]. Exiting ...
4551:20170418:193225.046 [CRIT] One child process died (PID:4554,exitcode/signal:19). Exiting ...
4551:20170418:193227.046 [INFO] Job Arranger Agent stopped. Job Arranger 3.0.0 (revision 7065).
2951:20170419:094925.842 [INFO] Starting Job Arranger Agent. Job Arranger 3.0.0 (revision 7065).
2951:20170419:094925.865 [INFO] open the database. filename: /var/lib/jobarranger/jobarg_agentd.db
2951:20170419:094925.924 [INFO] In ja_jobdb_init() : not alter table jobs add column
2960:20170419:094925.925 [INFO] jobarg_agentd #1 started [listener]
2959:20170419:094925.925 [INFO] jobarg_agentd #0 started [executive]



jobarranger_0424.txt (1.22 MB) jobarranger_0424.txt 全体logです。 匿名ユーザー, 2017/04/24 16:37
log_0501.txt (52.8 KB) log_0501.txt 匿名ユーザー, 2017/05/01 12:46

保守サポート 担当 さんが7年以上前に更新

  • ステータス新規登録 から 回答中 に変更



ja_host_lock_table に当該ホストのデータが残っていませんでしょうか。




匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に更新


jobarg_server [30833]: Is this process already running? Could not lock PID file [/var/run/jobarranger/jobarg_server.pid]: [11] Resource temporarily unavailable

この内容はOSをrebootするときにDBよりJob Arranagerが先に実行されていることでは?

Server logをDebugにするとよい情報が取れますよ。

匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に更新



#2 様
少し長くなってしまったのでtail 500で採取しております。

[root@ZABBIX jobarranger]# tail -500 jobarg_server.log
12084:20170424:162422.650 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162422.650 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162422.650 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162422.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162422.650 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000280 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162422.650 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162422.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162422.651 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000273 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162422.651 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162422.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162422.651 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000262 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162422.651 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162422.877 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162422.877 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162422.877 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162423.404 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162423.404 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000466 sec.
12075:20170424:162423.404 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162423.404 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162423.405 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000205 sec.
12075:20170424:162423.405 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162423.405 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162423.515 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162423.515 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000366 sec.
12076:20170424:162423.515 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162423.515 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162423.594 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162423.595 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000340 sec.
12077:20170424:162423.595 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162423.595 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162423.626 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162423.626 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162423.626 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000330 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162423.626 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162423.648 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162423.648 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162423.648 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162423.648 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162423.648 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162423.648 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000933 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162423 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000307 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162423.649 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162423.651 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162423.651 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162423.651 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162423.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000313 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000264 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000264 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162423.652 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162423.877 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162423.877 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162423.877 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162424.405 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162424.405 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000561 sec.
12075:20170424:162424.405 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162424.405 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162424.406 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000252 sec.
12075:20170424:162424.406 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162424.406 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162424.515 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162424.516 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000551 sec.
12076:20170424:162424.516 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162424.516 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162424.595 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162424.596 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000485 sec.
12077:20170424:162424.596 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162424.596 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162424.626 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162424.626 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162424.627 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000414 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162424.627 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162424.649 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162424.649 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000943 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162424.650 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162424 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162424.651 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000334 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162424.651 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000320 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000263 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162424.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162424.654 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000265 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162424.654 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162424.877 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162424.877 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162424.877 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162425.406 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162425.407 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000529 sec.
12075:20170424:162425.407 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162425.407 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162425.407 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000208 sec.
12075:20170424:162425.407 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162425.407 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162425.516 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162425.517 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000376 sec.
12076:20170424:162425.517 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162425.517 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162425.596 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162425.596 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000284 sec.
12077:20170424:162425.596 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162425.596 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162425.627 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162425.627 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162425.627 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000328 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162425.627 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162425.651 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162425.651 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162425.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162425.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162425.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162425.651 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000926 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162425 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000294 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162425.652 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000285 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000262 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162425.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162425.655 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000290 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162425.655 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162425.878 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162425.878 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162425.878 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162426.407 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162426.408 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.001074 sec.
12075:20170424:162426.408 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162426.408 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162426.408 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000232 sec.
12075:20170424:162426.408 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162426.409 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162426.517 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162426.517 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000288 sec.
12076:20170424:162426.517 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162426.517 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162426.596 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162426.597 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000332 sec.
12077:20170424:162426.597 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162426.597 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162426.628 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162426.628 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162426.628 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000356 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162426.628 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162426.652 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162426.652 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162426.652 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000924 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162426.653 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162426 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162426.654 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000279 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162426.654 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000280 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162426.655 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162426.656 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000318 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162426.656 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162426.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162426.656 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000263 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162426.656 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162426.878 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162426.878 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162426.878 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000298 sec.
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000205 sec.
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162427.409 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162427.517 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162427.518 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000291 sec.
12076:20170424:162427.518 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162427.518 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162427.597 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162427.597 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000326 sec.
12077:20170424:162427.597 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162427.597 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162427.628 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162427.628 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162427.628 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000336 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162427.628 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162427.654 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162427.655 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162427.655 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000937 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162427.655 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162427.655 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162427 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162427.655 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000296 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162427.655 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162427.656 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162427.656 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162427.656 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162427.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000276 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000265 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000263 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162427.657 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162427.878 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162427.878 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162427.878 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000559 sec.
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000210 sec.
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162428.410 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162428.518 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162428.518 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000475 sec.
12076:20170424:162428.518 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162428.518 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162428.597 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162428.598 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000463 sec.
12077:20170424:162428.598 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162428.598 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162428.629 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162428.629 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162428.629 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000323 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162428.629 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162428.655 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162428.655 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162428.655 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000940 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162428.656 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162428 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162428.657 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000278 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162428.657 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162428.657 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162428.657 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162428.657 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162428.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000292 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000260 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000262 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162428.658 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162428.878 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162428.879 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162428.879 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000567 sec.
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000208 sec.
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162429.411 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162429.519 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162429.519 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000556 sec.
12076:20170424:162429.519 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162429.519 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162429.598 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162429.599 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000536 sec.
12077:20170424:162429.599 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162429.599 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162429.629 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162429.629 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162429.630 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000516 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162429.630 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162429.657 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162429.658 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162429.658 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000949 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162429.658 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162429.658 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162429 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162429.658 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000299 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162429.658 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000306 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000257 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162429.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162429.660 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000276 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162429.660 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162429.879 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162429.879 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162429.879 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162430.412 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162430.412 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000547 sec.
12075:20170424:162430.412 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162430.412 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162430.412 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000216 sec.
12075:20170424:162430.413 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162430.413 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162430.519 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162430.520 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000556 sec.
12076:20170424:162430.520 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162430.520 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162430.599 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162430.600 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000540 sec.
12077:20170424:162430.600 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162430.600 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162430.630 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162430.630 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162430.630 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000342 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162430.630 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162430.658 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162430.658 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162430.658 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162430.658 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000957 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162430.659 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162430 order by retry_date, message_date]
12085:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000296 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000289 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000268 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162430.660 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162430.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162430.661 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000313 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162430.661 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162430.879 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162430.879 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162430.879 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162431.413 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162431.413 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000548 sec.
12075:20170424:162431.413 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162431.413 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162431.414 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000198 sec.
12075:20170424:162431.414 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162431.414 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162431.520 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162431.520 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000292 sec.
12076:20170424:162431.520 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162431.520 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162431.600 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162431.600 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000367 sec.
12077:20170424:162431.600 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162431.600 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162431.630 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162431.630 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162431.631 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000367 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162431.631 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162431.660 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000921 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12085:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162431 order by retry_date, message_date]
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12085:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000295 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000284 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162431.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162431.662 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000291 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162431.662 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162431.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162431.662 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000268 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162431.662 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162431.879 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162431.879 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162431.879 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162432.414 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162432.414 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000535 sec.
12075:20170424:162432.414 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162432.414 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162432.415 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000207 sec.
12075:20170424:162432.415 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162432.415 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162432.521 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162432.521 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000458 sec.
12076:20170424:162432.521 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162432.521 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12077:20170424:162432.600 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, job_type, method_flag, timeout_flag, start_time from ja_run_job_table where status = 2]
12077:20170424:162432.601 [DEBUG] In process_jajob() ja_run_job_table(status: RUN): 0.000330 sec.
12077:20170424:162432.601 [DEBUG] End of process_jajob()
12077:20170424:162432.601 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12083:20170424:162432.631 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_schedule(60)
12083:20170424:162432.631 [DEBUG] In get_search_date(60)
12083:20170424:162432.631 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select schedule_id, update_date from ja_schedule_control_table where valid_flag = 1]
12083:20170424:162432.631 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (scheduled start) spent 0.000312 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162432.631 [DEBUG] In jobnet_load_immediate()
12083:20170424:162432.631 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, update_date, run_type, scheduled_time, public_flag, jobnet_id, user_name, jobnet_name, memo, execution_user_name, multiple_start_up, initial_scheduled_time from ja_run_jobnet_table where run_type <> 0 and main_flag = 0 and status = 0]
12083:20170424:162432.632 [DEBUG] job loader #1 (immediate start) spent 0.000307 seconds while processing rules
12083:20170424:162432.632 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12085:20170424:162432.661 [DEBUG] In message_purge()
12085:20170424:162432.661 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(1440)
12085:20170424:162432.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162432.661 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 1 and send_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [delete from ja_send_message_table where send_status = 3 and send_error_date <= 20170423162459]
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message purge) spent 0.000971 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] In message_send()
12084:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(60)
12085:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select send_no, message_date, send_status, retry_count, retry_date, message_type, user_name, host_name, jobnet_id, jobnet_name, job_id, job_id_full, job_name, log_message_id, log_message from ja_send_message_table where (send_status = 0 or send_status = 2) and retry_date <= 20170424162432 order by retry_date, message_date]
12084:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] In get_purge_date(43200)
12084:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] In jobnet_purge(201704241524)
12084:20170424:162432.662 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, jobnet_id, update_date, status from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where end_time <= 20170424152459 and status in(3, 5)]
12085:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] message send #1 (message send) spent 0.000300 seconds while processing rules
12085:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet purge) spent 0.000296 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] In joblog_purge(201703251624)
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_main_id from ja_run_log_table where log_date <= 20170325162459999 group by inner_jobnet_main_id]
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (joblog purge) spent 0.000271 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] In jobnet_boot(201704241624)
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, run_type, scheduled_time, jobnet_id, update_date, multiple_start_up, load_status, start_pending_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status = 0 and start_pending_flag != 1 and (scheduled_time <= 201704241624 or scheduled_time = 0) order by scheduled_time, inner_jobnet_id]
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] jobnet boot #1 (jobnet start) spent 0.000270 seconds while processing rules
12084:20170424:162432.663 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12086:20170424:162432.880 [DEBUG] In ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162432.880 [DEBUG] End of ja_collect_selfmon_stats()
12086:20170424:162432.880 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12075:20170424:162433.415 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, status, jobnet_abort_flag from ja_run_jobnet_summary_table where status in (1, 2)]
12075:20170424:162433.415 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet_summary() ja_run_jobnet_summary_table(status): 0.000515 sec.
12075:20170424:162433.415 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet_summary()
12075:20170424:162433.415 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_jobnet_id, inner_job_id, timeout_flag, status from ja_run_jobnet_table where status in (1, 2 ,4)]
12075:20170424:162433.416 [DEBUG] In process_jajobnet() ja_run_jobnet_table(status): 0.000247 sec.
12075:20170424:162433.416 [DEBUG] End of process_jajobnet()
12075:20170424:162433.416 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
12076:20170424:162433.521 [DEBUG] query [txnlev:0] [select inner_job_id, inner_jobnet_id, method_flag, job_type, test_flag from ja_run_job_table where status = 1 ]
12076:20170424:162433.522 [DEBUG] In process_jarun() ja_run_job_table(status = READY): 0.000318 sec.
12076:20170424:162433.522 [DEBUG] End of process_jarun()
12076:20170424:162433.522 [DEBUG] sleeping for 1 seconds
[root@ZABBIX jobarranger]#



匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に更新


process already running? Could not lock PID file



しかし、job arranger serverを再起動することではないですね?


匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に更新

#4 様





匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に更新


匿名ユーザー さんが7年以上前に更新


job arranger serverでしょうか?


保守サポート 担当 さんが7年以上前に更新

当初の情報に以下がありますので、Job Arranger server の動いているサーバ(Agentも同居)をリブートしていると思われます。
Job Arranger serverのサーバはRebootアイコンの対象にはできません。

・ジョブエージェント Ver3.0.0

保守サポート 担当 さんが約7年前に更新

  • ステータス回答中 から 終了 に変更

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