操作問い合わせ #3240
closedJob Arranger Manger
Zabbix and Job Arranger latest version on Redhat 8.0 environment
How to schedule a calendar to run on every month - Wednesday at 10:00AM for a particular job or multiple job.
In Boot Time - how to set Cycle to run on every day, every specific day in a month.
Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago
Here specified information about Cycle and Schedule on particular day execution information is insufficient in user manaul https://www.jobarranger.info/document/doku.php?id=4.0:operation:schedule:06schedule-activation
Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago
- Status changed from 新規登録 to 回答中
Thank you for using Job Arranger.
Manual for monthly calendar scheduling is below.
For scheduling Cycle to run on every day, every specific day in a month,
You can combine above calendar and below (which you already found).
Additional information, filter is also useful for specific day on working-day.
Sorry for providing only Japanese manual, please use web translation - they are quite excellent these day.
Best Regards,
Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago
Hi 保守サポート 担当,
Thank you for the information.